

Case Studies

Wireless Digital X Ray System – Metropolitan Police

Wolverson X Ray Ltd have recently supplied and installed the Wolverson Avanse, wireless Digital X Ray system to the Metropolitan police forensic science department.

The Wolverson Avanse is a digital imaging system consisting of a high resolution, high DQE Trixell 35×43 flat panel detector complete with lightweight smart book laptop computer loaded with Avanse DR software.

For complete portability and powerful image processing the Wolverson Avanse is supplied with a protective carbon fibre detector holder, this innovative carbon fibre holder assists with the positioning of the detector in unusual and challenging environments. Wolverson X Ray Ltd also supplied a solid radiolucent Perspex stand which will take the strain from the detector when being positioned under heavy items.

The installation was extremely quick and initial tests were underway within an hour of arriving on site with applications training commencing within 2 hours. The initial test images captured demonstrated the high quality of the software together with the detector and impressed from the beginning.

In addition, the default parameters on the old x-ray source were outdated and not compatible with the new system, so we thought it would be useful not only to demonstrate what may occur with huge over exposures but also to alter the pre-set exposure factors to bring them in line with the modern imaging system, successfully managing to reduce the doses given by around 30%.

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The system is to be used in the field of forensic evidence detection and gathering and replaces an aging, slow, bulky CR reader, the forensic services department were very impressed with the image quality and speed of their new system, stating the image quality was “absolutely superb.

Wireless Digital X Ray System - Metropolitan Police2
Wolverson Avanse, wireless Digital X Ray system to the Metropolitan police forensic science department.